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Registration and Forms: News

I hereby understand that each time “Five Star” is mentioned throughout this contract it is meant to be all inclusive of Five Star Athletics Cheer/Phenomenal Cheer Program owner and employees.
1. Only registered athletes are allowed in the practice area.
2. Siblings, family members, friends, etc. are not allowed in the practice area.
3. All spectators must remain in the designated area and keep the noise level down at all times.
4. Any person that disrupts a practice will be asked to leave the gym immediately.
5. No food, drinks, or gum are permitted in the practice area.
6. All trash must be disposed in the appropriate trash receptacles.
7. Cell phones must be put on silent mode or left outside of the practice area.
8. Five Star Athletics Cheer is not responsible for any personal items lost or stolen.
9. All athletes and parents must register on the Five Star Athletics Cheer BAND App and check emails daily for any and all updates. There is no excuse for being uninformed or irresponsible when the information has been provided.
10. All completed forms or information needed by Five Star Athletics Cheer must be submitted and turned in to the Five Star Athletics Cheer office as requested.
11. The Five Star Athletics Cheer name and logos are trademarked. Any privately created or monogrammed items bearing the Five Star Athletics Cheer name cannot be worn or sold without approval.
12. All choreography including cheers, dances, stunts, transitions, tumbling, music selections, editing, etc. are the exclusive property of Five Star Athletics Cheer and shall not be shown or discussed with others. NO VIDEOS of routines/choreography should be uploaded to any online site such as YOUTUBE!
Five Star Athletics Cheer retains the right to:
1. Place its athletes on the team(s) it feels will best suit the athletes and the program.
2. Decide if an athlete may participate on more than one team.
3. Decide the roles and/or positions an athlete will have/play on their team(s). (E.g. base, flyer, back spot, tumbler, dancer, alternate, etc.).
4. Request that an athlete/team take additional classes or camps to improve their skills.
5. Request that an athlete/team practice longer than their regularly scheduled time or add additional practices, camps, or competitions if deemed necessary.
6. Move, replace, add, suspend, or even dismiss an athlete for a period of time or indefinitely from a team or the entire program based on criteria including but not limited to: attendance, conduct, skills, finances, parent conflicts, etc
****Athletes that elect to participate on more than one Five Star Athletics Cheer team must:
1. Be in good financial standing.
2. Be willing and able to fulfill all the responsibilities required by each team.
3. Be responsible for any additional entry fees they incur beyond their first team.
All athletes must:
1. Make Five Star Athletics Cheer priority over any other extracurricular activities.
2. Attend and be prepared to participate in all Five Star Athletics Cheer activities including those unexpectedly added throughout the season regardless of illness or injury unless otherwise recommended by a doctor through valid written documentation.
3. Notify Five Star Athletics Cheer immediately when an injury occurs so changes to routine choreography can be made prior to practice.
4. Arrive at least 15 minutes early to all Five Star Athletics Cheer activities.
5. Schedule all vacations so as not to interfere with any Five Star Athletics Cheer activities.
6. Notify Five Star Athletics Cheer in writing immediately of all expected tardiness or absences.
7. Notify Five Star Athletics Cheer by phone immediately of any unexpected tardiness or absences.
8. Please remember to pickup you athlete on time, as we do have a late policy. After 10 mintues, if your child is not picked up without prior notice. There is a late fee,
When training, competing, or representing Five Star Athletics Cheer, all athletes must:
1. Maintain a well-groomed appearance and good personal hygiene.
2. Wear their designated attire, socks, and sneakers.
3. Keep hair out of the face (if possible in a high ponytail) and wear a bow at all times unless otherwise instructed.
4. Keep nails shorter than fingertips. No acrlyic nails.
5. Remove all jewelry (except approved medical ID tags).
6. Cover tattoos and may not wear inappropriately dyed or cut hairstyles.
7. Wear closed-toe shoes (sandals, flip flops, and other open-toed shoes are not allowed).
8. Immediately repurchase all lost or noticeably damaged articles and wear a matching substitute until the item is replaced.
Athletes must:
Be dressed as specified below by each team’s scheduled meeting time unless otherwise instructed by their coach.
Remove all rollers and have hair and makeup completed as per coach’s request by each team’s scheduled meeting time.
Remove all jewelry (except approved medical ID tags) and colored nail polish.
Remove and put away all non-uniform items such as sunglasses, cell phones, headphones, and iPods.
Put on and supply braces or tape needed to perform prior to going to the warm-up area.
Be in full competition uniform and may not wear backpacks, warm-ups, or any other items during any award ceremonies.
Uniform apparel:
Uniform Top
Uniform Bottom
Competition Bow
White Socks
Clean Competition Sneakers
Cheer Makeup
Warm-up Pants
Warm-up Jacket
Social Media:
All athletes must refrain from posting any negativity/bullying
We have a zero-toloerence policy for bullying/cyber bullying
Athletes can be removed for bullying/cyber bullying another athlete, gym, or parent.
All athletes AND parents must always:
1. Set a positive example for others to follow.
2. Be respectful and courteous to everyone.
3. Schedule an appointment to speak with a coach or staff member to discuss any issues that may arise.
4. Refrain from gossiping (including social media) or any form of verbal or physical confrontation.
5. Refrain from celebrating the misfortune or defeat of another person, team, or program.
6. Accept team placements and awards with dignity and class.
All athletes must:
1. Provide Five Star Athletics Cheer with current health insurance and emergency contact information.
2. Inform Five Star Athletics Cheer of all medical conditions that may limit or prevent their ability to participate in any Five Star Athletics Cheer activities.
3. Notify Five Star Athletics Cheer of any injuries sustained as a result of their participation in any sanctioned Five Star Athletics Cheer activities.
4. Provide valid written documentation from a doctor explaining the reason(s) and the duration for which they may be limited or unable to participate in any Five Star Athletics Cheer activities.
5. Provide Five Star Athletics Cheer with a list of any medications that they are currently taking.
6. Refrain from the illegal use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco or any other substances.
7. Participate in any drug or health related testing, counseling, or rehabilitation if asked to do so
All athletes and their families must:
1. Read all emails/band notifications concerning competition dates, venues, and itineraries. (Information will be released as soon as we have it available.)
2. Have all travel arrangements booked by the travel block black out dates.
3. Arrive to competition by the designated time and will check-in with the coaches/staff/gym owners accordingly.
4. Not use competitions as family vacations, adhere to the designated schedules, and abide by all rules set forth by Five Star Athletics Cheer.
All athletes and parents understand that:
1. They assume full responsibility for all costs incurred as a member of Five Star Athletics Cheer including but not limited to: gym registration, monthly tuition, apparel costs, competition and travel expenses, or any other item(s), or services purchased or rendered and the payment in full of those items regardless of any circumstances that may arise such as dismissal from the team, or disbandment of the team
2. Monthly payments will be made via electronic debit on the 1st of every month.
3. Monthly payment for normal tuition rate is due from May through April of the participating season.
4. Tuition does not fluctuate based on the number or duration of practices in any month.
5. Tuition pays for training. It does not pay for the right to perform.
6. Vacations or time off will not be prorated. Please make note that all Five Star Athletics Cheer vacations have already been prorated into the monthly fee.
7. All payment due dates must be met.
8. A $15.00 late fee will be assessed in the event that a payment is past due.
9. Quarterly payments will be debited electronically if payment is not received by the 8 th of each quarter.
10. The Five Star Athletics Cheer Auto Debit Authorization form must be completed at the time of registration/ or set up a monthly fee form.
11. Any payment attempts resulting in a NSF (non-sufficient funds), declined credit card, expired credit card, returned check, electronic debits, etc. will incur a $25.00 service charge. It is your responsibility to update your information with us if your information changes (E.g. bank account number, card number, exp. date, etc).
12. An athlete’s account must be current and in good standing to participate in practices, competitions, or special events.
13. Five Star Athletics Cheer reserves the rights to withhold items, deny participation, and remove an athlete from their team for failure to keep up with financial obligations.
14. Any monies received from an athlete/parent will be applied first to any overdue tuition/fees.
15. All tuition/fees must be current before an athlete may collect any clothing/uniform or other retail items.
16. If an athlete chooses to leave or is asked to leave Five Star Athletics Cheer for any reason before the season is over, any and all funds are completely non-refundable.
17. Five Star Athletics Cheer reserves the right to turn over all delinquent accounts to a collections agency and the parent/ athlete will be responsible for all additional costs incurred.
18. If you need to exit/ leave the program for any reason on your own. There is a termination fee of $200 or the equvialent amount of monthly tuition in which the account needs to be suspended at. EX: if you leave in Feburary and the program ends at the end of april, your account will be billed for Feb,Mar, & April.)
19. We do not offer refunds. We only offer credit to be used within a year. Credit can only apply to the athlete in which the credit is for. Credit is non transferable. Credit can only be used for class tution.
By registering your athlete, for our program. You are herby agreeing to the terms and conditions of our set Rules and Regulations.
This is a list of our rules and Regulations posted for reference at any time. For a PDF version of our rules and regulations, please contact our office. At
Registration and Forms: About
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